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Changes to CEWS and the New CRHP

Dear Clients & Friends

For businesses claiming the wage subsidy, please note that changes to the CEWS have been enacted, and come into effect as of claim period 17 (Bill C-30):

  • the wage subsidy has been extended to September 25, 2021;
  • the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP)was introduced, beginning June 6, 2021, for Canadian employers who continue to be impacted by Covid-19:
  • for claim periods 17 to 20, businesses can claim either CEWS or CRHP, whichever gives you the higher amount;
  • beginning in claim period 18 (July 4th), businesses must have experienced a revenue drop of over 10% to receive the CEWS or CRHP;
  • the rate of CEWS will gradually decline from claim periods 18 to 20;
  • eligible remuneration paid to employees on leave with pay will no longer be included in the CEWS calculation as of claim period 20.

The CRHP and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) support wages businesses pay through different phases of economic recovery. Each claim period, eligible employers can claim either CRHP or CEWS, whichever is higher.

Effective period 18 (July 4th, 2021) onwards, all applications will require additional analysis to determine which of CEWS or CRHP is the most beneficial. HS & Partners LLP has been helping clients with wage and rent subsidy applications since the beginning of the pandemic. If you would like our help during this new phase of the program, please let us know.


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