Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program provides companies with significant cash refunds and/or tax credits ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. Canada’s SR&ED program is the best of its kind in the world, offering the most enhanced benefits of any other country.
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Most software, tech and manufacturing companies in Canada qualify.
HS & Partners LLP is a business advisory firm and one of our core specializations is SR&ED. We have Chartered Accountants, Tax Lawyers and Engineers on staff with extensive experience in SR&ED tax incentives. Our goal is to maximize your benefits under this program.

  • Meet with the companies and identify eligible R&D projects
  • Plan the strategy for the claim and its presentation to CRA
  • Assist in writing the technical description
  • Assemble the necessary documentation to support the claim
  • Present the claim to CRA and ensure timely processing

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